Last Updated on November 17, 2023 by Linda Richard
Labrador Retrievers are a breed of dog that have always been recognized for their extraordinary energy, bursting with playful and enthusiastic personality. A healthy Labrador puppy is full of boundless joy and optimism for the future.
The “hyperactive labrador puppy” is a question that has been asked many times. Labs are known for having a high energy level, so they can be very hyper when they’re young, but as they mature their energy levels will decrease.
And so, to understand this question: Why are Labs hyper, we will consider all the important aspects of this question and reveal the character of this dog breed.

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What is Meant by a Hyper Dog and its Hyperactive Behavior
Hyperactive behavior manifest themselves in overexcited emotional behavior. Regardless of the situation and place, such dogs behave unrestrained. Barking dogs that do it all the time, without reason, and do not respond to owner reprimands. Any impulses of the owner to stop the pet, as a rule, do not lead to anything. To subdue this type of four-legged friend, it will take more than entreaties and commands.
What are the causes of hyperactive behavior in dogs? Hyperactive behavior in a dog is a condition that manifests itself in mild excitement from any, the smallest of stimuli. In some cases, this behavior is normal, such as in puppies and young dogs. Adults of some breeds may also behave energetically. High emotional and physical activity can manifest itself in different ways, with each breed having its own characteristics.
However, for most dogs, hyperactivity is a mental abnormality that requires correction by an owner or specialist. Overactive dogs are unable to calmly perceive their surroundings, focus their attention and respond appropriately to external stimuli. In addition, the behavior of an overactive dog can cause a lot of trouble for the owner.
The main causes of hyperactive canine behavior are as follows:
- genetic predisposition of the breed;
- hormonal imbalance;
- improper upbringing;
- non-compliance with the norms of keeping a pet;
- lack of proper environment for the dog;
- lack of attention; separation anxiety;
- lack of exercise and movement;
- nervous system malfunctions (neuralgia);
- rough, violent training;
- lack of a daily regimen;
- diabetes mellitus;
- mental disorders;
- emotional stress;
- improper nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals in the feed;
- sleep and rest disorders
In addition to the above symptoms, hyperactivity in a pet can be caused by a number of diseases, such as the presence of neoplasms, ectoparasites, emotional shocks.
Let’s make a small conclusion that all the same Hyperactivity is not a normal state of the animal, so called the state of dogs that are in overexcited emotional behavior. What are Labrador Retrievers like? It is very simple, Labrador Retriever is a breed of dogs that at a young and young age just have excessive energy, excess energy, which just need to be properly managed.

Hyperactive Labrador Puppies
An active, inquisitive and energetic Lab puppy is the norm. Labrador Retrievers are characterized as a high energy breed. But a puppy that constantly smashes everything in the house, demands attention, whines and howls, tries to run away on a walk, does not give passage to guests and other animals, cannot sleep for a long time – this is a hyperactive puppy whose behavior should be corrected as early as possible.
Dogs have historically lived in packs and loneliness is stressful for them, especially for a puppy that has recently been separated from its mother and mates. Perhaps hyperactivity is an adaptation process that needs to be made as comfortable as possible for the animal.
Improper parenting and separation anxiety also leads to hyperactivity in a puppy. Explain to all family members that it should not be grabbed without warning, you need to call the animal by name first. Do not disturb the puppy during meals and sleep, it is absolutely impossible to beat the dog and lock it alone for a long time. All this provokes nervousness in a puppy.
Don’t yell at your puppy as soon as he tries to explore the house, jump, bark or bite your hand. It is normal for a puppy to explore the world through his teeth, voice, and sense of smell. You need to reward him for good behavior and discourage or ignore bad behavior. Gently but firmly discourage him from biting you, only allow him to chew on special toys and teach him commands.

And so, if your puppy does exhibit signs of hyperactivity, here are some simple steps you can take:
- There is no better way than a long walk, or a few walks day. A puppy should be tired before being left alone at home or before falling asleep. The longer you walk outdoors, the more games you offer, the more often you let your dog off the leash, the more likely he is to be tired and less active when you get home. Play fetch also provides good exercise.
- In consultation with your vet, you can reduce the calorie intake: you may be overfeeding your puppy and he has nowhere to put his energy.
- Keep your puppy busy with games, training, behavioral training and, if possible, expose him to new routes, places and situations. It’s important for a puppy to explore new territory: it could be a trip out of town, swimming in lakes, visiting, taking public transportation.
Try to diversify your puppy’s life, as constant confinement can make him hyperactive or, on the contrary, apathetic. - If your puppy has to stay home alone for long periods of time when you go to work, leave him plenty of toys, as separation anxiety often goes a long way in shaping his psychological state. There are special food toys that can be given only when you leave and picked up when you get home.
- It is worth discussing the possibility of spaying a puppy with your vet if you do not intend to breed. After sterilization, the animals’ hormones change and they become calmer. But the decision to do this should be considered carefully, as it is a serious and irreversible procedure.
If you’re having trouble raising your puppy and can’t control his bad behavior, it’s best to take him to a puppy training class. A dog trainer knows the necessary training techniques, will give your puppy physical and mental stimulation, correct your dog’s destructive behavior.
Behavior Correction of a Hyperactive Labrador Retriever
Hyper behavior of the animal is not only harmful to the dog itself, but also creates problems for pet owners. With such animals it is difficult to walk, to control behavior, to train. The dog can not focus on commands, constantly jumps, does not obey.
There are several effective methods to reduce hyperactive dog behavior. It is optimal to use them all. The list of measures to calm a hyperactive pet is as follows:
- Controlling their own behavior. Since dogs are very sensitive, they perfectly recognize their owner’s mood and adjust to it. For example, a calm person will have a calm Labrador and vice versa. When a dog is extremely excited, he can do anything. That’s why it’s so important to watch your dog’s behavior, feelings and thoughts;
- Specialty Toys. Most pet owners believe that toys are only necessary for young dog breeds. But this is a misconception. At any age, the dog is interested in balls, bones and sticks. A rope and a tourniquet will be excellent coddlers. But young puppies should refuse such toys, as the correct bite may be disturbed;
- Ignore and do not reinforce overactive behavior at home. Many pets, seeing their owner after work, begin to actively jump, run, jump and playfully bite. Of course, such behavior in the first 5 minutes is justified, the animal missed the owner, and this is normal. But if such a thing stretches for a long time, you should ignore such behavior, do not look the dog in the eyes and in every way avoid contact, not encouraging unwanted behavior;
- Enough exercise. One of the best methods of dealing with hyperactivity. The high energy of the dog is due to idleness and lack of constant work. Especially if the pet lives in a city apartment and rarely walks. Therefore, a competent owner will find the right direction for his pet, where all the unspent energy will be directed. In the pet store you can buy a special dog backpack, which will wear a hyperactive dog on walks. You can also go to a pond or river for the dog to swim. After such an active workout, the dog will fall asleep like a baby, and will sleep without getting up until morning.
The Labrador Retriever is a dog breed characterized by high energy. If you see signs of hyperactivity in your dog, enlist mental stimulation and physical activity first.
Remember important factors that can cause your dog to become hyperactive, such as: lack of exercise, separation anxiety, nervous system failure, emotional stress, rough training, and improper daily routines, and others that you’ve already read about in my article.

Read also: Why Do Labradors Eat Grass?
At what age are puppies most hyper?
A: This is a difficult question to answer, as there are many factors that go into determining the age at which a dog will be hyper. Some dogs may be hyper from birth, while others may not start being hyper until they reach one or two years of age.
How can you tell if a dog is hyperactive?
A: Hyperactivity is a behavior that can be caused by many different things. Its important to know the cause of your dogs hyperactivity before you decide what to do about it. Some common causes include exercise, boredom, and anxiety. If your dog has been diagnosed with a medical condition such as epilepsy or Cushings disease, then medication may be needed to control their symptoms.
What age will my puppy calm down?
A: This is a difficult question to answer. It depends on the individual dog and how it was raised. There are some things you can do though that may help your pup calm down, such as giving them a treat when theyre not barking or jumping up.
How can I calm my lab down?
A: There are many ways to calm your lab down. One way is to use a clicker, which is a device that emits a clicking sound when it is pressed. Another way is to use treats such as dog biscuits or cat food.
Why is my dog so hyper and aggressive?
A: Dogs are very social animals and they can be easily stimulated by the sights, sounds, and smells around them. If your dog is constantly being overstimulated or is unable to find a way to release their pent-up energy, this can lead to aggressive behavior.
How do I make my dog less hyper?
A: This is a difficult question to answer. There are many factors that can contribute to your dogs hyperness, so I cannot give you an exact solution. However, there are some things you can do to help your dog become less hyper.
-Make sure your dog has plenty of exercise and mental stimulation (exercise helps with stress, which in turn helps with hyperness)
-Feed your dog a high quality diet
-Give your dog plenty of attention
How can I calm my dog?
A: You can try using a food-based calming technique, such as feeding your dog their favorite treat or offering them a small meal. If that doesnt work, you may also want to try playing with your dog and giving them attention.
The “why is my lab so energetic” is a question that many people have been asking. The answer to this question is that the Labrador Retriever breed has a high energy level and they are known for being hyper.
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